Open and log in with your account
Look for alerts in the notification box.
Click on your profile picture and select your Facebook Page
Look for alerts in the notification box or anywhere in the profile.
From your Facebook Page click on the Meta Business Suite or open it from here and select your business from the top left menu.
Then go to Settings.
Under Accounts click on Pages and verify that everything is OK. You should be able to see your Facebook user with full control access and your Instagram as a connected asset.
Under Accounts click on Instagram accounts.
Look for alerts or needed actions like this one:
If there is a login needed action please complete the log in. After successfully logged in with your Instagram you should see a confirmation message:
Log in to KEY Stars and go to Settings.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the re-connect button.
On the Facebook window make sure to click on Edit settings.
Follow the steps and validate your business Instagram account and your Facebook page are selected.
Click on Update profile button and your profile should be refreshed.
If instead you get an error message it means your connection is not valid. Please reasure the connection or contact us.